Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Universe Speaks

I have done my inner meditation for about a week now. The meditation CD say t give it at least 6 weeks for things to happen doing the meditation at least once a day.
I am feeling the surroundings in my life, the experiences that I am having, are being more apparent and honest with my traits that I always knew I had but was really sure about. People are telling me or giving me assignments that would fit into one of my better qualities.
I guess the universe is giving me what I am seeking, what makes my inner happiness grow. To manifest inner love, to invest in my better traits and help others in the process.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ponder the energy

Today I learned that we have to be careful with the energy that we attract. I was the researcher to a survey last year on Wacovia, City Bank, and several of the banks that are going belly up. I knew that we were in financial duress, back then. I felt anticipation then and so did the recipients at the other end of the phone, they knew it was coming.
I wondered about what kind of energy you feel when you enter a bar, or what kind of energy you feel when you are in the emergency room, or the energy you feel when you are shopping, when you are in a library or when you enter the temple. I wondered when I was doing my meditation tape what energy that I was putting into my body, or taking out of it. I honestly believe that our bodies know things long before our reality sets in. A women body knows that she is ready to have the baby long before she is labor. Why can't we know mental things, things our bodies know? It is something to ponder.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Focus on the energy that will only help

I have come to the conclusion that we as a society focuses on the we have created and what we can have. We have not recognized that the thousands of people that are food is supplied from the lights come from several different sources just so that we are able to have warmth light and heat. We are not in a day of the candles and farm life. We are in a society that is not aware of the treasure of the earth or the value of the service that people give to each other. We do not give the credit to God for the life and comfort that we have. It speaks about it 2 Nephi, about contending one with another who's church is right instead of honoring God and Heavenly Father.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A hard day

Someday you can not get ahead. I woke up early and I was almost late for work.. I listen to the scriptures in the morning and I left the i pod at home, np scriptures. I made arrangements to get Tim to get a job and he missed his bus. I was going over to see Tara and the baby and she was in Springville. I feel that I can not do anything without an obstetrical. So I am going to change the energy, I think I need to meditate, I will tell you tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Your Bucket

Today I learned that all of us are prone to positive or negative personalities, I have been watching mine as the day rolled on. To fill your bucket with happiness you must reach beyond yourself. When one gives service to others with the intention of nothing in return, good energy is restored and your bucket. Your vibrations should never go below the 500 kh. When you realize that you are in a low depression recognize what emotion that is controlling the your life and remember it is only a emotion. Reach out and fill your bucket.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The fake holiday

I decided that today was the time to take charge of my very own Zen. I have read several books but I think I need to review them once again. The first book is How to fill your own bucket..... details later.